Finding Beauty in Scars

In today’s world, we are obsessed with beauty. We think we must be flawless. But everyone has flaws; the ones we see vividly and the ones  we tend to ignore. It has become an obsession to enhance the exterior, while the interior withers away. Botox, implants, fillers, nip here, tuck there, false this, fake that….anything to fuel our illusion of perfection.

But what happens when the exterior is flawed? How do we view ourselves? Do we view ourselves as damaged or lucky? There is no correct answer. It’s all about perspective. To the Wounded Warriors, scars are their sacrifices for our freedom. To the breast cancer survivor, their scars are a symbol of victory. To the open-heart surgery patient, their scars represent a stronger life pumping station. To the mothers who delivered their babies by Cesarean birth, their scars represent an alternate portal into the world. To victims of violence, their scars become a symbol of not what they’ve been through, but what they’ve overcome. Who among us can tell those people they are not perfectly beautiful?

We never know what others carry around, tucked into places of shame, wondering if it will ever be okay to show someone who they really are. Our imperfections show our true beauty and make us truly unique. For all who have scars, proudly wear your badges of courage to show the beauty in overcoming.